Description of technological object
The automatic batching system (ABS) in Demnya-Dobryansky
open-cast mine at 'Mykolaivcement' enterprise is performed on the
basis of technical requirements, that was elaborated as a result
of preliminary inspection of technological process of preparation
of clayey limestone slurry in open-cast mine and on analysis of
existing present-day batching equipment.
Destination of the ABS
On the whole the system is intended for automatic
maintenance of clayey slurry flow rate and water flow at set-point
level as well as limestone supply in the process of preparation
of clayey limestone slurry. At that visualization of the process
and accounting of components is provided.
Purpose of automation is creation of hardware-software
solution, by means of which stabilization of clayey limestone slurry
composition is achieved due to automatic adjustment of required
ratio of components. On the whole it promotes the improvement of
technical and economic indices of production.
Structure and functions of the ABS
Hardware-software solution is implemented on the basis
of present-day universal automation system SIMATIC
C7 from SIEMENS.
Structure of the automatic batching system is represented
on figure 1.

Figure 1 – Structure chart of
the ABS in Demnya-Dobryansky open-cast mine
The system provides the performance of following basic
- continuous measurement and point-by-point
integration of clayey slurry flow and technical water flow;
- automatic adjustment and remote control of
clayey slurry supply and water supply;
- monitoring of SCHENCK
batching system and automatic set-point assignment of limestone
flow rate;
- control of SYNEX
pneumatic pulsers;
- remote control of ALTIVAR
58 frequency converter of electrical drive of slurry
- operative representation of information about
the performance of frequency converter of electrical drive
of slurry pump;
- visualization of technological process of
batching process on SIMATIC C7
- calculation of amount of gone limestone, slurry
and water per minute, day, month, year.
The automation system also performs functions of self-diagnostic
and signaling about internal faults of equipment and is expandable. |