Description of technological
Constituents of technological process of burning in
kiln #5 at 'Volyn Cement' enterprise are:
slurry batching;
burning of raw mix in rotary cement kiln;
supply and combustion of fuel gas;
making of clinker and its extraction by
means of clinker transporters;
smoke and waste gas withdrawal by smoke
exhauster through the chimney;
supply of slag;
cooling section with ventilators of chambers
and aspiration ventilator;
dust precipitation chamber and return of
the dust through fuller-pumps back to the kiln;
system of electrical filters with power
supply of high voltage direct current and transporting
system of dust extraction to intermediate bunker;
clinker mill.
Destination of the system
Purpose of automation is creation of unified hardware-software
solution that permits to perform continuous automated control of
technological processes and provides successful performance of primary
(main) and secondary (auxiliary) equipment as automated objects.
Structure and functions of the system
Hardware-software solution is implemented on the basis
of programmable logical controller SIMATIC
S7-300 from SIEMENS. Structure of the system is represented
on figure 1.

Figure 1 - Structure chart of monitoring
system of burning process
Controller implements acquisition, control and processing
of analog and binary signals according to the algorithms assigned,
remote control instructions and data exchange. As a whole, controller
processes 70 analog and 85 binary input signals, 2 analog and 71
binary output signals.
The developed system provides the performing of following
information acquisition and centralized
control, operative representation of information about
technological process flow;
monitoring of state of pumps, valves, ventilators,
transporters, smoke exhauster, grinding mill and other
remote and local control of electrical
drives of the aforesaid equipment;
alarm signaling on irregularity of technological
automatic continuous monitoring of state
of health of basic facilities and devices;
execution of safety actions;
execution of procedures on data exchange
in real time or on request.
PROFIBUS-DP is used as data transfer
network. Number of nodes – 4.
Operator workstation on the basis of industrial PC
with SCADA software of own development performs functions of visualization
of technological process, data archiving and remote control. Also
for the purpose of representation and control of the process OP
77B graphic operator panel manufactured by SIEMENS is used.
SCADA software of operator workstation performs following
informational functions:
acquisition, processing and representation
of information (current values of parameters, state of
equipment, signaling on irregularity of technological
variables and so on);
archiving of process variables, events
and diagnostic information;
calculation of slurry flow by measuring
box and kiln productivity relative to clinker.
Also operator workstation receives data about concentration
of emission of foul gases from 'SICK'
gas analyzer and data about consumption of fuel gas from 'Logika'
flow measuring computing system.
The control desk (see figure 2) is intended for indication
and remote control of state of main actuating devices. On front
panel of the control desk the control switches, engine starter and
stop buttons, pointer indicators of position of actuating devices,
indicator lamps of state of process environment.

Figure 2 – Front view of control
The automation system also performs functions of self-diagnostic
and signaling about internal faults of equipment and is expandable.
Result of application of the system
Systems implementation permits:
- to increase process safety;
- to increase the efficiency of operation
of technological equipment;
- to increase the efficiency of maintenance
of technological process;
- to improve technical and economic indices;
- to decrease in-process loss;
- to save energy and operating resources;
- to increase quality of production;
- to decrease emissions of the dust and
foul gases to atmosphere.