Automated Control System of Installation for Advanced Extraction of Liquid Hydrocarbons at Tymofiivka Gas-Condensate Field
Customer: 'Povtavagazvydobuvannya' Gas Production Department
General Contractor: 'Shelf' Institute
Automation: 'Votum' Ltd
Description of technological object
Objects of automation are storage tank battery (first stage) and installation for gas treatment and propane-butane recovery (second stage).
Managing the technological processes of storage tank battery provides for remote monitoring and control of operating modes of following technological objects:
- liquid propane tanks;
- gasoline tanks;s
- propane pumps;
- gasoline pumps;
- systems of input, extract and emergency ventilation;
- stop valves (geared);
- gas contamination monitoring system;
- fire alarm system;
- tank refluxing system;
- propane-butane compressor;
- liquid trap.;
Managing the technological processes of gas treatment provides for remote monitoring and control of operating modes of following technological objects:
- separator, segregators, absorber;
- setting tanks and heat exchangers;
- pumps;
- air coolers;
- columns;
- furnaces;
- actuator valves unit;
- cutoff valves unit;
- ventilation system;
- geared valves;
- gas contamination monitoring system;
- fire alarm system;
- secondary (auxiliary) process objects.
Destination of the ACS
The system is intended for managing the technological processes of Tymofiivka installation for advanced extraction of raw hydrocarbons from natural gas, storing and shipment of end product in accordance with operating standards of quality and provides automated control and monitoring of process objects, primary (main) and secondary (auxiliary) equipment.
Structure and functions of the ACS
Informating-controlling complex of the installation for propane-butane and stable gasoline recovery includes two constituents - the storage plant that contains controlling facilities for storing and shipment processes, and gas treatment plant that includes controlling facilities for managing the technological processes of propane and stable gasoline extraction from natural gas.
Structure chart of the automated control systems is shown on figure 1.
Figure 1 - Structure chart of the ACS of Tymofiivka installation for liquid hydrocarbons extraction
The principle of distributed control with application of programmable logical controllers (PLC) SIMATIC S7-300 from SIEMENS is used in control system of technological processes at Tymofiivka installation for advanced extraction of liquid hydrocarbons. Control algorithms in the form of resident software of PLCs provide direct control of basic technological operations and monitoring of control actions over the process.
For process control in storage plant the technical equipment of the system is placed in power switchboard room of pump-compressor division and is mounted in control cabinet number 2. Control cabinets number 1-1 and number 1-2 are mounted in operator room of gas treatment plant (GTP) and contain the equipment for monitoring and control of processes of gas treatment and propane recovery.
Automation system of the GTP is implemented on two controllers PLC1-1 and PLC1-2, one of them performs the functions of safety system – SIL (also it performs main functions). Critical parameters are operated on basic controller PLC1-1 and on safety system controller PLC1-2, to which actuators (cutoff valves, relay contacts and so on) of safety system are connected. Such structure provides for safety system that is determined by requirements specification.
Monitoring and control software (SCADA) of operator workstations number 1 and number 2 provides:
- data exchange with PLCs;
- graphic display of technological process on monitor screen;
- operative imaging of specified information formats because of irregularity signals;
- remote control by keyboard and mouse;
- data archiving and storage;
- visual and sound alarms and warnings, technological signaling;
- data printing.
WinCC 6.0 SP2 from SIEMENS is used as SCADA system.
Engineering workstation is used for programming of the PLCs, configuring of SCADA-system, modeling of technological process and for another tasks in the presence of necessary software, also it can be used as standby operator workstation.
Touch sensitive operator panel TP 270 6” from SIEMENS is intended for representation of technological process flow and process control at storage plant from power switchboard room (that is operator panel represents backup control station with slightly restricted functions).
On the whole the automated control system provides the performing of following functions:
- information acquisition and centralized control, operative representation of information about technological process flow and state of equipment;
- monitoring of state of pumps, ventilators, compressors and other equipment and indication of corresponding technological parameters;
- remote control of electrical drives of the aforesaid equipment;
- automatic continuous monitoring of state of health of basic facilities and devices;
- program-logical control (blocking) for automatic protection of equipment in accordance with technological schedule;
- notification of the personnel about abnormal modes of working (technological signaling, alarm visual and alarm sound signaling in the case of irregularity of technological parameters);
- execution of safety actions;
- execution of procedures on data exchange with upper level of management in real time or on request.